National News

Kashmiris observing India’s Republic Day as Black Day today

Kashmiris observing India’s Republic Day as Black Day today

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world are observing Indian Republic Day, Friday, as Black Day in protest against India’s continued denial of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the day is being marked with a complete shutdown in Indian occupied Kashmir and anti-India rallies and demonstrations in world capitals. Call for observance of the Black Day and shutdown has been given by the Joint Resistance Leadership comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik.
The resistance leaders have also called for peaceful demonstrations and rallies across the occupied territory after Friday prayers, today, over the killing spree unleashed by Indian troops across the occupied territory. They have also appealed to imams and khateebs of mosques to highlight in their Friday sermons the illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir by India.
Meanwhile, the puppet authorities have put the entire occupied Kashmir especially Srinagar and Jammu under siege. Thousands of Indian troops and police personnel have been deployed in every nook and corner of the occupied territory, causing huge inconvenience to the people. The forces’ personnel are conducting frisking and checking of vehicles and passengers in Srinagar and other major towns besides carrying out surprise raids in different areas.
The authorities have also put Hurriyat leaders including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Muhammad Yasin Malik and Hilal Ahmed War under house arrest or in custody to prevent them from the anti-India demonstrations.