National News

Kubhushan bashes Indian attitude towards his family

Kubhushan bashes Indian attitude towards his family

Kubhushan bashes Indian attitude towards his family

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Foreign Office Thursday, during the weekly media briefing, released another video statement of Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav in which he is bashing Indian government for poor treatment of his family while they were on the visit to meet him in Pakistan.
In the video statement, Jadhav has re asserted that he was still an officer of Indian Navy. “I have to say one thing very important here, for the Indian public, Indian government and the Indian navy, that my commission is not gone. I am a commissioned officer in the Indian navy,” he re-asserted.
Kalbhushan Yadav said he saw fears in the eyes of his mother and wife and the accompanying Indian diplomat was threatening and shouting at my mother.
“The Indian diplomat or the Indian person who came along with my mother was shouting on my mother the moment she stepped out of the meeting room, was yelling at her. Has she been brought under threat here, to meet me? This gesture was a positive gesture so that she feels happy, I feel happy… and then the Indian diplomat or person standing outside was yelling at her?”, he said in the video.
The RAW agent said he told his mother and wife that he was not physically tortured. His mother expressed satisfaction over his physical health.
Answering the queries of media persons, Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan is always ready to start a composite dialogue with India.
“It is India who has stopped dialogue process on the pretext on Pathancot incident, Pakistan has never been reluctant to find a political solution of our disputes”, he added.
He said all the restrictive measures are from Indian side, not from Pakistan.
To a question regarding Afghan refugees, he said Pakistan has never created a ‘Push Factor’ for Afghan refugees even after the three decades of hospitality.
He said Pakistan has been showing unlimited hospitality for the Afghan refugees despite its own economical difficulties.
Dr Faisal refuted all the rumors about the decline in trading with Afghanistan. “During last year, Nov 2016 to Nov 2017, the trade volume between Pakistan and Afghanistan has grown 9%. Pakistan had opened its border crossing routes on Afghan request and trucks carrying fruits and goods have been entering Pakistan.”
Replying to a question he said the rumors about providing the military
base to China in Gwadar are absolutely baseless. “This is just propaganda to harm the smooth running of CPEC projects”, he added.
Replying to a question about N Korea he said Pakistan shares international concerns regarding the matter. We encourage that the relevant parties should take the path of reconciliation.
He said Pakistan regrets the last minute postponement and non-issuance of visas by India for the visit of the 192 Pakistani Zaireen to participate in the Urs of Hazrat Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia (RA) in Delhi from 1-8 January.
Dr Faisal said Pakistan strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in the Afghan city of Jalalabad and the northern province of Balkh and condemns terrorism in all forms and manifestations.