National News

All leadership united on Kashmir issue, Pakistan to continue its support: PM

All leadership united on Kashmir issue, Pakistan to continue its support: PM

MUZAFFARABAD,(MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Monday said the issue of Kashmir was engraved permanently in the
hearts of Pakistanis and reiterated full support of the government and people of Pakistan to the just and legitimate
right of the Kashmiri people for the peaceful resolution of the issue in line with their aspirations.
He said all the illegitimate use of force and coercive measures by the Indian occupation forces in the Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) had miserably failed to suppress indigenous freedom struggle. About 207 million Pakistanis supported their Kashmiri brethren in the struggle.
The prime minister was addressing a joint session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly and Kashmir Council on the Kashmir Solidarity Day. President of AJK Sardar Masood Khan and minister for Kashmir
Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Muhammad Barjees Tahir were also present on the occasion.
The prime minister said there might be differences among the political leaders but on the Kashmir issue, all the leadership was united and there was no two opinions.
Stressing upon unity for highlighting the Kashmir issue at all the international fora, the prime minister said the issue would remain alive till its peaceful resolution in line with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the UN resolutions.
He also underscored the need to involve the Pakistani and Kashmir diaspora to further highlight the IoK issue and the gross human atrocities committed by the Indian occupation forces.