National News

Masood Khan pays tributes to Ch Ghulam Abbas

Masood Khan pays tributes to Ch Ghulam Abbas

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Today, as Kashmiris, we owe our freedom and solidarity to the sacrifices of our founding fathers, President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan Monday said while addressing the participants at the 50th death anniversary of Kashmiri hero Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas.
President AJK said that as a free nation, it was our duty to salute the heroic efforts of Ch Ghulam Abbas, who sole aspiration was freedom for his fellow Kashmiris. It was his principled and resolute stance that enabled Azad Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan, he said.
Respected and revered by all, the President said, Ch. Ghulam Abbas was a humble patriot whose loyalty for his people and country could not be denied, said a press release issued here.
Ch. Ghulam Abbas along with other leaders had played a pivotal role in the freedom of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, said President AJK.
“It is because of their efforts that today we are proud to be the base camp of the Kashmir issue and are able to keep this pertinent issue alive after 70 years,” he added.
“Today, we pay tributes to Ch. Ghulam Abbas and renew our pledge in continuing his mission in liberating Occupied Kashmir”, said the President.
He said that while we enjoyed freedom, we must not forget the atrocities faced by our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Kashmiris were being tortured, harassed, maimed and murdered on the mere whims of the Indian Forces.
The President urged the people of Kashmir to forget all differences and unite in the struggle towards the freedom of Kashmir.
He said that our enemy would not be allowed to break our unified stance on Kashmir and create disunity among our leadership.