National News

Mehbooba says over 9,000 injured in forces’ action in 8 months

Mehbooba says

Mehbooba says over 9,000 injured in forces’ action in 8 months

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The puppet Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti in Indian Occupied Kashmir, has admitted that over 9,000 people were injured due to the use of brute force by Indian troops and police personnel on protesters in the territory from July 8, 2016 to February 27, 2017.
According to Kashmir Media Service, in a written reply to the so-called Kashmir Assembly, Mehbooba Mufti, who also holds the portfolio of Home Department, said that 9,042 persons were wounded in Kashmir due to bullets, pellets, PAVA and teargas shells fired by the forces’ personnel and other causes.
The figures, as per the reply, were based on medical records.
Among the injured, 6,221 persons were wounded with pellets, 368 with bullets, 4 by PAVA shells and 2,449 by “other causes”, the reply said.
The puppet Chief Minister in her reply also said that as many as 782 persons suffered eye-injuries during the period. The reply also said that 15 persons, including Insha Mushtaq, were permanently blinded while 39 suffered partial blindness due to pellet injuries.
It is to mention here that occupied Kashmir witnessed massive public protests following the extra-judicial killing of popular youth leader, Burhan Muzaffar Wani, on July 08, 2016. The Indian forces used massive force to quell the mass uprising.
The figure of wounded people quoted by the puppet Chief Minister is far less than the actual one as many injured persons did not visit hospitals due to fear of arrest by Indian police and underwent treatment at their own.
Mehbooba Mufti in another written reply to a question informed the so-called Assembly that at least 726 persons were detained under draconian law, Public Safety Act, in the past two years. The reply said that 525 people were arrested under the PSA in 2016 while 201 in 2017.