National News

Miftah Ismail briefed on EAD performance

Miftah Ismail briefed on EAD performance

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, Miftah Ismail Thursday visited Economic Affairs Division (EAD). 
The Adviser was given a detailed presentation on the working and performance of EAD by Secretary EAD, Arif Ahmed Khan.
According to press statement issued here, the Adviser was also apprised about portfolio of economic assistance relating to different multilateral and bilateral development partners.
           The Adviser expressed satisfaction with the working of EAD, the statement said.
Among others, the meeting was also attended by senior officials of the division, it added.
It is pertinent to mention here that Dr Miftah Ismail assumed responsibilities as Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Economic Affairs and Revenue on Wednesday.
          He visited Finance Division and Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and met senior officials of the two divisions.
          Talking to the officials, Dr Miftah said he had a firm resolve for further strengthening of economy and advancing the objective of sustainable and inclusive growth as envisioned by the PML-N leadership.
He said that efforts would be particularly focused on enhancing exports and increasing economic growth. Endeavors would also be made for broadening of tax base and lowering of rates, he said. He called upon all concerned to work with dedication as a team towards this end.