National News

Mirwaiz, others grill India over latest killing

Mirwaiz, others grill India over latest killing

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, and other Hurriyat leaders and organizations in Indian Occupied Kashmir while expressing deep shock over the brutal murder of another civilian from Kangan, Gowher Ahmed Rather, have condemned the unrelenting Indian state terrorism in the territory.
According to Kashmir Media Service , Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a statement issued in Srinagar asked India when its thirst for the blood of young Kashmiris would be satiated.
The youth Gowher Ahmed Rather succumbed to his bullet injuries at a hospital in Srinagar, yesterday. He received injuries in firing of the Indian troops on protesters in Kangan area of Ganderbal district on Monday.
The Jamaat-e-Islami of occupied Kashmir in a statement while condemning the killing said that the Indian troops had crossed all limits of killing people in occupied Kashmir. “It seems India has decided to crush the genuine voice of the people by use of all its military might,” it said.
Liberation leader, Mushtaq-ul-Islam, in a statement denouncing the killing of Gowher Ahmed Rathar said, “The Indian forces without any provocation opened fire on peaceful protesters, is a war against the people of Kashmir.” He paid rich tributes to the youth martyred by the Indian troops in Shopian and Islamabad district.
The High Court Bar Association (HCBA) of occupied Kashmir, while condemning the gruesome killings, in a statement said, “The pellets are not used in any part of the world including India, as its use is forbidden by the domestic as well as international law.”
However, it added that the Indian forces were not reluctant to use this lethal weapon against innocent civilians in occupied Kashmir. “Indian forces don’t hesitate to kill or blind the Kashmiri people, yet the world community is not coming to their rescue,” it deplored.
The Doctors Association Kashmir also took a very strong note of the firing incident inside District Hospital Shopian by the Indian forces. Dr Suhail Naik, President Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK), in a statement said, it is a matter of great shame that the forces’ personnel resorted to indiscriminate firing inside the premises of district hospital.