National News

Muqam blames Pakistan’s external enemy behind attack on Agriculture Training Institute

Muqam blames Pakistan’s external enemy behind attack on Agriculture Training Institute

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Advisor to the Prime Minister and President KP chapter of PML(N),
Engr Amir Muqam has blamed Pakistan’s external enemy behind the deadly attack
on Agriculture Training Institute on Friday resulting in killing of nine
persons and injuring 32.
“Our external enemy cannot digest development of our country and the Friday carnage
is the result of there animosity,” said Muqam while talking with media after
visiting Khyber Teaching Hospital to meet with injured of the attack.
“We would have to get together by ending our internal differences to fight with our
external enemy and for defeating terrorists,” he opined.
He said President of PML(N), Nawaz Sharif, Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and
leadership of PML(N) fully share the grieve and tragedy being felt by members
of the bereaved families of the victim of the terrorist attack.
He said the sacrifice of martyrs will not go waste and the responsibility shifted to our
shoulders of continuing fight against terrorism will be fulfilled with full
Amir Muqam also appreciated gallantry and prompt response of security forces as a result
of which huge loss was averted.
He said Federal government has announced a compensation of Rs. One million for heir of
martyrs, Rs. Five lakh for seriously injured and Rs. Two lakhs for minor
He said federal government will also bear the expenditure of shifting a seriously
injured person or any other to other hospitals for treatment.
He said it is very ironical that on the occasion of Eid Milad-un-Nabi such carnage was
carried out by terrorists.
“Those behind this kind of heinous attacks does not deserve to be called as `humans’,”
he remarked.
Amir Muqam said terrorism is not the problem of any single person, but it is the matter of
serious concern for whole nation.
Therefore, he continued, for eradication of this menace we have to get
together and fight for achievement of this goal.