National News

NA session adjourned due to lack of quorum

NA session adjourned due to lack of quorum

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Deputy Speaker National Assembly Murtaza Javeed Abbasi on Wednesday adjourned the House proceeding due to lack of quorum.
“The House is adjourned to meet again on Thursday at 10:30 am,” he said after the member-count and around 25-minute suspension of the NA proceeding due to lack of quorum pointed out by Parliamentary from Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) Shah Ji Gul Afridi.
Speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq initially suspended the proceedings for a few minutes, but after the secretariat staff confirmed that a quorum was not present, Deputy Speaker National Assembly adjourned the sitting until Thursday morning without taking up any item on the 19-point agenda.
Under the rules, the House can still carry out the proceedings even without a quorum, if not pointed out by any member. The rule is often used by the opposition parties as a mark of protest on any issue and to embarrass the government, as it is the primary responsibility of the ruling party to ensure a quorum during a regular session of parliament.
The agenda included questions hour, calling attention notice, report of the Standing Committee, motions and legislative business.