National News

NAB (KP) to further improve service delivery to public: DG

چیئرمین جسٹس (ر) جاوید اقبال

NAB (KP) to further improve service delivery to public: DG

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Director General NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Brig (R) Farooq Naser Awan has said NAB
(KP) will provide relief to the general public through Accountability Regime in the light of
the vision of Chairman NAB Justice Javed Iqbal for the prosperity of people of this province.
He was addressing at the Director Conference held at NAB (KP) Tuesday.
At the meeting,performance of NAB Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for the year 2017 was reviewed.
During the year 2017, NAB (KP) successfully pursued cases of
cheating public at large, cases related to over billing and utilization of cess
fund cases for relief and facilitation of general public and returned looted
money to the National Exchequer.
The Bureau conducted inquiries and investigations of cases
worth more than Rs.36122 million and during year 2017 KP Bureau recovered Rs
672 million in direct and indirect recoveries.
The Director General was apprised that the Bureau received a
total of 3624 complaints during the calendar year 2017 and successfully
disposed-off all the complaints. After the scrutiny, the Bureau carried out
Complaint Verification (Preliminary inquiry) in 252 complaints. On the basis of
findings in verification, 112 inquiries and 42 investigations were initiated.
The bureau has successfully filed a total of 34 references in accountability courts
while remaining cases were disposed-off through Plea deals.
Inquiries and investigations of cases worth more than Rs
36122 million were conducted. A total of Rs. 672 million was recovered by the
bureau, out of which Rs. 148.9 million was directly recovered and an amount of
Rs 524 million was indirectly recovered in Sugarcane Cess Case and PESCO
Over-Billing Case.
At the end Brig Farooq Naser Awan DG NAB (KP) said Chairman
NAB Justice Javed Iqbal since assuming his charge, has time and again vowed and
stressed that NAB, through effective accountability mechanism, will ensure transparency
and improvement in service delivery so that relief is provided to general public.