National News

Nation to continue support PML-N: Nawaz

Nation to continue support PML-N: Nawaz

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif Monday reiterated that nation will continue to support Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) as it won their hearts through serving them at grass roots level.
Talking to the media outside the accountability court, Nawaz Sharif said no one has accepted his disqualification over Iqama, adding that the nation demands respect of their mandate.
PML-N won in Sargodha and Senate elections despite contesting without party symbol, he mentioned.
Nawaz Sharif complained that in Saturday’s Senate elections, lawmakers faced difficulty in recognizing PML-N candidates however still they bagged highest seats in the upper house of the parliament.
Talking about the party’s victory in Sunday’s by-election in Sargodha, he said, the party’s victory with around 20,000 votes proves trust of people on the party despite the fact that the candidate contested without party symbol.
“This should serve as an eye opener for all that they have great public support as the hearts of nation are attached with party leaders,” said Nawaz.
Former PM said people of country are not a herd of cattle that can be steered to any direction.
“I am pleased to see that the public is getting smarter and is revolting. They should be. Their elected leader was thrown out from parliament but could not cut their roots from masses eyes,” he said.
Talking about the Senate elections and some parties bagging seats without substantial representation in the provincial assemblies, he said, “this shows rigging”.
This system should change, he commented adding that “this game of money should be buried. This has happened in the past but this time it was too open and brazen,” he said.