National News

NBP Haroon House branch account holders facing problems

NBP Haroon House branch account holders facing problems

KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):The account holders with National Bank of Pakistan’s branch at Haroon House ,Karachi complained of poor banking services due to shortage of manpower and lack of latest
computer systems and gadgets, and other modern banking facilities.
A group of the account holders told APP that NBP branch, having
24,000 active accounts of many government and private organizations
mostly related to media, was functioning without the required team of
officials which caused undue delays in routine transactions. Due to slow
banking process, usually one would find long queues of the account
holders at the counters.
An official at NBP branch revealed that the key post of Operation
Manager was vacant for last couple of months which had brought negative
effect on daily working of the branch.
Besides, he added, the desks handling foreign remittances, pension
and advance salaries loan cases were also vacant. These officials were
transferred to other branches but were not replaced so far.
All this burden was shifted to the Branch Manager and it was very
difficult for one person to handle the cases of these important
portfolios in time along with managing routine cash transactions in big
number, he said.
He mentioned that this branch called “Media Bank Branch” for its
customers from media houses and allied facilities also lacked computer
expert to rectify any error or problem with software or hardware of the
bank’s computer system. In case of any problem, the expert’s services
were being borrowed from the Main Branch or Head Office of National Bank
of Pakistan located in the city. This did create serious problem for the
staff of this branch and the account-holders, he said.
He said the branch had junk of obsolete computers, which functioned
dead slow besides frequently developing faults.