National News

Neither change, nor 18th amendment being rolled back: Senate told

Neither change, nor 18th amendment being rolled back: Senate told

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Parliamentary
Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmed on Friday categorically assured the Senate
that neither 18th amendment was being rolled back nor any amendment
being made to it.
Responding to a Calling
Attention Notice raised by Sassui Palijo and Mian Raza Rabbani about the Cabinet
Division letter bearing subject “Transfer back of Institutions/functions”, the
minister said there was some adjustments at federal level and it was pertain to
He said 18th
amendment was passed unanimously by both the House and all political parties
played their due role in it.
He said the amendment was
passed after thorough discussion and deliberation and the government has no
intention to bring any change to it.
The minister said Capital Development
Authority was earlier under Cabinet Division but later, it was handed over to
Ministry of Capital Administration and Development Division. Similarly,
National College of Arts was transferred to Ministry of Federal Education and
Professional Training.