National News

Nisar strongly deplores elements engaged in unnecessary criticism of Musharraf’s departure

ISLAMABAD, Mar 20 (APP): Minister for Interior, Chaudhry Nisar
Ali Khan on Sunday strongly deplored the elements engaged in
unnecessary criticism of departure of former ruler Gen (retd) Pervez
Musharraf and described it as `plain hypocrisy and show of their
dual standards.’
Musharraf’s name was deleted from Exit Control List (ECL) in
light of Supreme Court judgment, he said in a statement issued here.
He criticized the previous government of Pakistan Peoples
Party (PPP) and said during its five-year-long tenure, Musharraf’s
name was not included in ECL despite existence of an FIR against
The Minister went on to say that PPP, which is now opposing
departure of Gen Musharraf, remained friendly to him and did not
even talk about him during their tenure.
Musharraf undertook four foreign trips while the PPP was in
power, said the Minister, adding that it was the party which
fulfilled National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) like friendship
with former President General Pervez Musharraf during its tenure.
He said an investigation committee during 2009 had suggested
that General might be involved in murder of former Prime Minister
Benazir Bhutto but lamented that the then rulers did not dare to
take action against Musharraf.
“This seems quite amusing those who had given guard of honour
and requested other political parties for pardon to General
Musharraf, are now staging political drama on the matter,” he said.