National News

Oman’s ambassador calls on NA speaker

چین کا ہمارے دل میں اہم مقام ہے،

Oman’s ambassador calls on NA speaker

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has said that Pakistan greatly values its cordial relations with Oman and the decades old warm relations between the two countries need to be taken up to new heights through economic and parliamentary cooperation.
The Speaker was talking to the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman, Al Sheikh Mohammed Omar Ahmed Al Marhoon who called on him in Parliament House here Thursday, said a press release issued here.
While discussing an entire gamut of Pakistan-Oman relations, cooperation at multilateral forums and review regional peace and security, the Speaker said,
“Pakistan attaches immense importance to its fraternal relations with Oman. The bilateral relations are historical, deep-rooted and based on commonalities of faith, culture and traditions.” “Geographical proximity between Pakistan and Oman can offer a great scope to both countries to step up the bilateral relationship between the two countries,” Sardar Ayaz Sadiq said.

The Speaker said that present government has created conducive environment for foreign investment by introducing various incentives and reforms in the economic sector. He said that friendship and cooperation between both the countries serve the fundamental interests of the two countries.He also asked the ambassador to convey his invitation to his Omani counterpart to visit Pakistan.

Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman, Al Sheikh Mohammed Omar Ahmed Al Marhoon termed relations between the two sides as historic and unique. He appreciated the kind remarks of the Speaker and said that Oman considers Pakistan as its brother and wants to further cement the ties through rejuvenating parliamentary contacts and exploring possible avenues of economic cooperation.

The Ambassador said that Pakistani expatriates in Oman are playing an important role in economic activity in the country. He further said that Oman would encourage Pakistan skilled human resource in diverse sectors.