National News

Opening of honorary Russian Consulate office in Peshawar to renew Pak-Russia diplomatic relationship: Governor

Opening of honorary Russian Consulate office in Peshawar to renew Pak-Russia diplomatic relationship: Governor

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Governor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Engr. Iqbal Zafar Jhagra Tuesday said that establishment of honorary consulate office of Russian Federation in Peshawar is a sign of the beginning of a new chapter of renewed diplomatic relationship between the two countries.
“wherein they are looking at each other as complementary partners for regional balance, growth and partnership for well being of the respective people”, he said this while addressing as the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of Russian Federation at Peshawar.
Beside others, the ceremony was also attended by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Pakistan, Honorary Consul General of Russian Federation at Peshawar, Muhammad Arsala Khan and a number of local dignitaries were also present on the occasion.
The Governor said that indeed the Russian Federation and Pakistan have entered in a new phase of their diplomatic relationships that would be marked through such events.
The Governor mentioned the progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor project and said that it will be of tremendous help in further strengthening the bonds of economic relationships in this part of the world in particular..
Historically, he said, this whole area from Trans-Kazakhstan to Oxus River and onward to Pamir mountains was the gateway for bringing and shaping cultures, religion fervor and trade.
With this renewed recourse of history in mind, the One Belt and One Road (OBOR) and CPEC projects are expected to bolster the process of regional trade through people to people contact.
He also wished that the Honorary Consulate of Russian Federation may prove helpful in promoting
educational and business opportunities for the people of the both countries.