National News

Pakistan condemns the missile attack on Saudi Arabia

Pakistan condemns the missile attack on Saudi Arabia

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan condemns the missile attack on Saudi Arabia on Tuesday which was successfully intercepted by the Saudi led Coalition, before it could cause any damage, The foreign office stated here Wednesday.
This was the third missile attack targeted at the Kingdom from Yemen in less than two months. The increasing frequency and ferocity of the missile attacks, targeted at innocent civilians by Houthi rebels, pose a threat to regional peace and security and is therefore, highly condemnable, Foreign office said.
Pakistan strongly believes that a political solution to the ongoing Yemen crisis is the only way to ensure regional peace and stability. Pakistan stands firmly with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in confronting terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Pakistan reaffirms unequivocal support for the Kingdom and reiterates that in case of any violation of its territorial integrity or any threat to Harmain Sharifain, Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with the government and people of Saudi Arabia.