National News

Pakistan denies report of talks between China and Baloch separatists

Pakistan denies report of talks between China and Baloch separatists

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan on Friday denied the reports of talks between China and the separatists from Baluchistan regarding the protection of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. 
During his weekly press briefing, Foreign office spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal said that Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson has already rejected these speculations stating that both the governments have been working in coordination on security matters regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). 
He said CPEC is a flagship project of Belt and Road initiatives and is a hallmark of Pak-China strong friendship.
Regarding Pakistani troops in Saudi Arabia, he said a Pakistani military group is present there for training purposes not to take part in ‘Saudi Itehad.’
Dr Faisal said Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif visited Russia to hold bilateral consultations with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Replying to a question he said both the Foreign Ministers reiterated that there was no military solution to the Afghan conflict and a negotiated settlement through an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process was the only viable option for lasting peace in Afghanistan.
The Spokesperson said that Pakistan has serious concerns over its probable placement in Grey-list of FATF and termed it as a clear violation of established rules.
Regarding the recent statement of Indian COAS, he said that India is in habit of placing baseless allegations against Pakistan. It is a part of India’s malicious designs against Pakistan.
He said Indian occupation forces killed eight Kashmiris including 17-year old girl, Saima Wani and 55-year old mentally-challenged Syed Habibullah in Shopian and Budgam respectively. People in Srinagar and Poonch areas in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir were also martyred.