National News

Pakistan desires enduring partnership with Afghanistan : PM

ISLAMABAD (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on
Wednesday said “he desires a “comprehensive and enduring partnership” with Afghanistan that contributes to the security and prosperity of the two nations.
He was talking to Speaker of the Wolesi Jirga of Afghanistan Abdul
Raouf Ibrahimi who called on him here at the PM House.
While highlighting Pakistan’s vital stake in peace, stability and
development in Afghanistan, the prime minister said that Pakistan attaches great importance to its brotherly ties with Afghanistan.
The prime minister said that stronger ties between the two countries
would help reinforce efforts for peace and development in the region.
Recalling President Ashraf Ghani’s visit to Pakistan in December last
year, the Prime Minister said that Pakistan’s focus was on enhancement in mutual trust. He said it would pave the way for deeper engagement in diverse areas of cooperation including security and counterterrorism, trade and economic development to the benefit of both the countries.
Prime Minister Sharif said that Pakistan believes that terrorism was a
common enemy and both the countries- Pakistan and Afghanistan need to work together to rid of this menace.
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif expressed his hope that Pakistan’s
engagement in sincere and consistent efforts for promoting peace and reconciliation through an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process would ensure durable peace in Afghanistan.
The Quadrilateral Coordination Group has been making good progress in
right direction, the prime minister noted with satisfaction.
The prime minister said the decision of talks between Afghan
government and Taliban was a positive signal for the peace process.
He said that Afghanistan must have an environment to enable return of
the Afghan migrants to their country with respect, honor and dignity on the right time.
The prime minister also offered help to Afghanistan in its
infrastructure development.
Speaker Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi stated that Pakistan was the only nation
which supported Afghanistan against external aggression in 1979.
“We appreciate and applaud the role of Pakistani nation for hosting
Afghan migrants for 30 years despite difficulties. They have hosted their Afghan brothers in an affectionate and caring manner'” he said.
” Pakistan is second home for its Afghan brothers and we must remain
stead fast friends in every situation,” the speaker said.
He said the Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif’s stand was very clear
and his policy and vision for the peace process was appreciable.
The Speaker said the friends of Afghanistan were friends of Pakistan and
enemies of Afghanistan were enemies of Pakistan.
The Afghan delegation included Ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan Dr.
Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal and Members of the Afghan Parliament. Speaker National National Assembly Sardar Muhammad Ayaz Sadiq and Member National Assembly Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao were also present during the meeting.
