National News

Pakistan, India decide in principle to adopt mechanism for releasing fishermen in two weeks

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Advisor to Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs
Sartaj Aziz on Wednesday said that Pakistan and India had decided in principle to work out a mechanism providing for release of detained fishermen in two week’s time.
Replying to a question in the Senate, the advisor said follow up work
was in progress to give a concrete shape to the decision and release fishermen of each other’s country within two weeks after verification of their nationalities.
He said at present there were 460 Pakistani detainees in the Indian
jails divided into two broad categories of civil prisoners who were 347 and 113 were fishermen.
He said these persons had been arrested on a variety of charges,
including alleged illegal entry into India, overstay, drug smuggling, espionage and terrorism.
He said India released 329 Pakistani detainees including 217 fishermen
and 112 civilians during the last three years.
He said in 2008, Pakistan and India signed an agreement regarding
counselor access, making it obligatory upon both governments to maintain a comprehensive list of nationals of the other country under its arrest, detention or imprisonment.
As per the agreement, he said the lists of prisoners were exchanged on
Jan 1 and July 1 every year.
Replying to another question regarding the names and designation of
persons against whom complaints had been received during the present posting in Pakistan Embassy or Mission in Thailand, the advisor in a written reply said no complaint had been received against any officers and staff mentioned.
Similarly, he added none of the officers mentioned had completed their
tenure in the Mission.