National News

Pakistan, Iran agree to bolster trade, economic ties; decide to open two additional border crossings

ISLAMABAD, Mar 25 (APP): Pakistan and Iran on Friday
agreed to further bolster their bilateral relations in diverse
areas of trade, economy and energy, besides deciding to open
two additional crossing points along their border to encourage
and facilitate trade and people-to-people contacts.
“Our trade and economic ties have suffered due to
sanctions. We have agreed to strengthen our bilateral ties in
diverse areas of trade, economy and energy,” Prime Minister
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said while addressing a joint press
stakeout alongwith Iranian President Hassan Rouhani here at
the PM House.
Earlier, Prime Minister Sharif and President Rouhani
held one-on-one and delegation level talks during which the
two sides held wide range of discussions on bilateral as well
as regional and international issues of mutual interest.
After the talks, the two leaders also witnessed the
signing of six Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) including the
one described as “Five Year Strategic Trade Cooperation Plan”.
The Prime Minister said the two sides also decided to
open two additional crossing points along their border to
encourage trade and economic interaction as well as to
facilitate the people-to-people contacts.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan and Iran enjoy
close and fraternal ties which were rooted in the shared
history of culture and religion.
He said it was his third meeting with the Iranian
President in less than three years, which depicted depth and
warmth of their relations.
The Prime Minister said during the one-on-one and
delegations talks, they discussed wide range of issues
including the bilateral relations as well as the matters of
regional and international importance.
Nawaz Sharif expressed his confidence that the relations
between Pakistan and Iran will continue to grow from strength to
strength for the mutual benefit of the two countries.
The Prime Minister said Hassan Rouhani’s election as
President of Iran depicted the confidence of the people of
Iran in his leadership.
He also extended Nauroz greetings to the Iranian
President and his delegation.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the two sides
discussed diversification of trade and economic relations and
the ways and means to explore new opportunities of cooperation
in energy sector including the export of electricity from Iran
to Pakistan.
He said the two sides also deliberated on the ways to
boost bilateral trade by means of preferential trade and move
forward for a free trade agreement between Pakistan and Iran.
The Iranian President said the two sides also explored
the possibility of sea trade through Pakistan’s Gwadar Port and
Iran’s Chahbahar Port.
He said Pakistan and Iran consider each other’s security
as their own security, adding, there was a will and resolve of
the two countries to combat extremist and terrorist groups and
not to allow such elements to shatter peace in the region.
The Iranian President said the two sides also need to
enhance cultural relations as well as regional cooperation.
He stressed for political solutions of regional problems
and conflicts.
President Rouhani also extended greetings to the people
and government of Pakistan as well as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on
Pakistan Day.