National News

Pakistan, Russia exchange views over int’l issues including Aghanistan peace

Pakistan, Russia exchange views over int’l issues including Aghanistan peace

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Defence Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan has met his counterpart Defence Minister of the Russian Federation General Sergei Shoigu on the sidelines of the Moscow Security Conference currently taking place in the Russian capital.
Both the dignitaries noted the increasing convergence of views between Pakistan and Russia on international issues, particularly regarding sustainable peace in Afghanistan, establishment of energy corridors, and combating violent extremism and drug trafficking, a message received here from Moscow Thursday said.
They reviewed the positive developments since the unprecedented 2014 Pak-Russia Agreement on Military Cooperation and agreed to extend mutual cooperation further in training of armed forces personnel, in naval field, and in conduct of a wider range of joint military exercises.
They expressed a shared concern about presence of ISIS in Afghanistan and increased drug cultivation in Afghanistan and use of drug money for terror financing.
The defence ministers of Pakistan and Russian Federation decided to enhance the level of delegations to discuss Pakistan-Russia defence matters comprehensively and regularly.