National News

Passing of historic Fata bill by PMLN made politics of opponents issueless: PMLN Fata

Passing of historic Fata bill by PMLN made politics of opponents issueless: PMLN Fata

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):PML(N) Presidents of five tribal agencies here Monday eulogized the Federal Government and Parliament for passing FATA Bill 2017, allowing extension of Supreme Court (SC) and Peshawar High Court (PHC) to FATA and termed it a historic step towards provision of inexpensive and speedy justice to all litigants.
PML(N) Presidents Khyber Agency Alhaj, Badshah Gul Afridi, Bajaur Agency Haji Rahat Yousaf, Kurram Agency Haji Abdul Karim Abid, Orakzai Agency Malik Spin Gul and North Waziristan Agency Syed Ayub in a press statement issued here today have termed passing of the bill from National Assembly was historic and per wishes and reflections of tribal people.

They said adaptation of the bill from National Assembly by PMLN has made politics of opponents issue and political orphans are now hiding faces from people after all their ill designs stand exposed.

“Passing of the bill was a historic day in the history of FATA and dreams of tribesmen for provision of speedy and inexpensive justice have finally come true. It was a major step forward to bring FATA into the country’s mainstream,” they maintained.

“The SC and PHC’s jurisdiction to FATA was a long-standing demand of tribal people that was finally fulfilled by the PML-N government for which Prime Minister, PMLN Govt and parliament deserve full credit and appreciation and we also thank the opposition parties for support it,” they added.

They said no political party had ever even considered extending the SC and PHC’s jurisdiction to FATA during the last 70 years despite many problems faced by tribal people.

PML-N is the only party that had constituted a high-level committee led by the former PM’s advisor on Foreign Affairs Sirtaj Aziz that had visited all tribal agencies and frontier regions to make the bill and reforms acceptable to all.

They said PMLN government has fulfilled yet another promise made with people of Fata and made politics of opponent issues less.

FATA reforms would help bring prosperity, development and progress in tribal areas besides expending pace of economic development and speedy justice to all litigants, adding the bill would help pave way the way for abolishment of century-old draconian FCR law.

They said litigants would get right of appeal, presenting proof of evidences and hiring of legal counsel of choice for petitions.

The PMLN leaders appreciated Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Governor KP Engr Iqbal Zafar Jhagra and Minister for State for SAFRON, Ghalab Khan for taking personal interest in Fata reforms bill and lauded efforts of PMLN and allied parties lawmakers for passing of the bill from National Assembly with overwhelming majority.
They said KP Governor was taking revolutionary measures for solutions of problems of people of tribesmen besides completion of mega projects in Fata.

They said peace has completely returned to Fata due to PMLN Govt effective policies and successful holding of Pakistan Car Rally, Peace Cup in North Waziristan and Fata Sports Festival in Jamrud Khyber Agency was testimony of it.