National News

PC-1 submitted to construct additional block at Federal Lodges Quetta: Senate told

PC-1 submitted to construct additional block at Federal Lodges Quetta: Senate told

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Housing and Works Akhram Khan Durrani on Friday apprised the
Senate that Federal Lodges in Quetta has completed been renovated and
reconstructed with an estimated cost of Rs 5.5 million.
Responding to various supplementary questions during Question Hour, the
minister said that the incumbent government should be appreciated for reconstructing
the Federal Lodges in Quetta as it were damaged in bomb blast.
He said no past government had given attention to the lodges adding that Federal
Lodges at Peshawar have also been renovated.
The minister said that the PC.I had also been submitted for
construction of additional block at Federal Lodge No I, Zarghoon Road, Quetta.
Five new suites and halls would be constructed in the Federal Lodges, he said.
He said no body was residing/ staying permanently
in the Federal Lodges Quetta and assured the house if anyone found, strict
action would be taken in this regard.
Regarding NAB notice, the Minister said he
did nothing wrong and he was ready to face the accountability bureau.
He said the policy has changed for the
first time and now mosques would also be built by the ministry. After
constructing mosques, advertisement would be given for hiring ‘Khateebs’.