National News

Pellets, bullets symbolic of PDP’s deceitful politics: APHC

Pellets, bullets symbolic of PDP’s deceitful politics: APHC

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):All Parties Hurriyat Conference has said that the Peoples Democratic Party-led puppet administration is unnecessarily prolonging the detention of Kashmiri political prisoners languishing in and outside Kashmir Valley.
The APHC in a statement issued in Srinagar said the PDP is playing deceitful politics and added that “hypocrisy and treachery are the traits of PDP”, KMS reported.
“Peoples Democratic Party is the creation of agencies and its rhetoric for the battle of ideas stands exposed,” the statement said and pointed out that pellets, bullets and brutal acts in the name of safety speak of their treacherous politics.
“Since the inception of PDP, they are following dictates from Nagpur and there seems no let-up in the use of pellets and bullets,” the APHC said. “Although pellet-guns and chemical weapons are specifically used against wild animals; however, PDP in order to remain in power and appease their masters use these weapons against innocent and unarmed civilians.”
“PDP has instead caged people and strangulated their genuine voices. Slapping PSA against its opponents and youth is its favourite game,” it added.
The APHC expressed concern over the deteriorating health condition of prisoners, saying they are being subjected to political vendetta and no proper medical treatment is provided to the ailing detainees.
The APHC appealed to the international organizations including the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Asia watch and Amnesty International to take cognizance of inhuman and hostile treatment meted out to detainees lodged in different jails.