National News

PEMRA stop Tve channel for live coverage of Faizabad operation

PEMRA stop Tve channel for live coverage of Faizabad operation

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) on Saturday stopped Tv channels for live coverage of Faizabad operation.

According to the letter issued by the PEMRA, It is informed that under the Electronic Media (Programmes and Advertisements) Code of Conduct 2015, live coverage of any security operation is prohibited, therefore, all the satellite TV channel licensees are directed to exhibit utmost sensitivity on the matter and comply with Clause 8(8) of Electronic Media (Programmes and Advertisements) Code of Conduct 2015, in Letter and spirit refrain from live coverage of the ongoing operation at Faizabad, Islamabad.
According to the relevant Clause “8(8)  there is no live coverage of any ongoing security operation by the law enforcement Agencies and Licensee shall air only such information as may be warranted by the Security Agency incharge f the operation.”
Moreover, media house are also requested to ensure safety and security of their field staff.
In this regard camera crews and reporters should not go beyond the point as identified by the Incharge of the operation and ensure cooperation with law enforcement agencies.
In case of any kind of violation, observed/ reported, strict action under the relevant provisions of the PEMRA laws shall be initiated.