National News

PES rescues 54,016 emergency victims during last month

LAHORE, (APP): Punjab Emergency Service (PES-Rescue
1122) rescued 54,016 victims of emergencies in 52,101 rescue
operations across the province during last month.
Director General, Punjab Emergency Service, Brig (Rtd) Dr
Arshad Zia carried out performance review of emergency operations
in Punjab during daily review meeting to ensure uniform standard
of the Service and quality emergency care without any discrimination.
The emergency calls to which Rescue 1122 responded to
include; 19,829 road traffic accidents, 24,435 medical
emergencies, 815 fire incidents, 1,693 crimes, 67 drowning
incidents, 70 building collapses, 17 explosions and 5,175
miscellaneous operations.
According to the statistics, out of total, 226 fire
incidents took place in Lahore, 120 in Faisalabad, 62 in
Gujranwala, 54 in Rawalpindi, 41 in Multan and 34 in Sialkot.
Similarly, out of total traffic accidents, some 3,982 road
traffic crashes were reported in Lahore, 1,971 in Faisalabad,
1,177 in Gujranwala and 1,182 RTAs in Multan and 690 road
traffic accidents were reported in Rawalpindi.
Dr Arshad Zia said that Rescue 1122 is dealing average
500 road traffic accidents in Punjab on daily basis. “700
people average are injured in these accidents, out of which
some 400-500 people are seriously injured, whereas Rescue 1122
provides first aid to 200-300 victims of road traffic
crashes,” he said, adding the data shows 700 families are
being affected by these traffic accidents daily.
The Director General directed all the District Emergency
Officers to identify black spots in respective districts and
formulate strategy for their mitigation.
He further directed them to take Districts Administration
on board through District Emergency Boards in this regard and take preventive steps and organise awareness activities, conduct seminars
in schools, colleges and universities for education and awareness
of general public.