National News

PILDAT to hold regional conference on RTI in Asia

ISLAMABAD, Mar 13 (APP): Pakistan Institute of Legislative
Development and Transparency (PILDAT) will hold a “Regional
Conference on Right to Information in Asia”.
The conference is being organised in collaboration with the
Punjab Information Commission and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Right to
Information Commission as part of PILDAT’s ongoing efforts to
strengthen RTI laws and their implementation in Pakistan.
The conference will help establish forums for sharing of
experiences between stakeholders of RTI reforms movement, especially
members of civil society, academia, policy-makers and government
officials from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
The two-day conference, which will start on Wednesday, will
include presentations and panel discussions in which speakers and
delegates will share experiences and insight on Regional Conference
Themes, both among themselves and with the wider public.