National News

PM Abbasi visit to Nepal highly inclusive, take bilateral relations to new heights of friendship: Experts

PM Abbasi visit to Nepal highly inclusive, take bilateral relations to new heights of friendship: Experts

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Political and Economic experts here Thursday said the two- day official visit of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to the
brotherly country of Nepal was highly successful and inclusive and it would bring bilateral relations to new heights of friendship in days to come.
They said Pakistan-Napal bilateral relations will further improve with the visit of Prime Minister Shaihid Khaqan Abbasi besides bringing governments and people of both countries more closer.
Talking to APP PMLN leader MPA Saleh Muhammad told that PM Khaqan Abbasi’s two days official visit to Nepal was wide ranging and comprehensive and the warm welcome given to him at Nepal has reflected deep and friendly relations between the two countries.
He said PM Abbasi is the first leader of the world who has been accorded guard of honour at Nepal’s Army
Saleh Muhammad said Pakistan attached great importance to Nepal and PM Abbasi successful visit will take the relationship to new heights of friendship in days to come.
PM Abbasi had boldly highlighted Pakistan’s stance on regional and international issues during his visit and the enormous investment opportunities available in our country in diversified field in the wake of CPEC.
Saleh said CPEC has changed economic status of Pakistan as
it would become an economic and business giant in Asia after completion of CPEC projects as the world’s trade would revolve around it with full operationalization of Gwadar Port.
In addition to Pakistan and China, he said, Central Asian Republics, Middle East and Central Asian states, countries of African continents, Afghanistan and other regional and international countries would be directly and indirectly linked with Gwadar Port, enhancing the country’s geo-strategic and political-economic importance manifolds in world.
By linking Kashgar with Gwadar port through state of the network of motorways and railway lines network, he said, CPEC project has a vast potential to inject new life into the region’s economies besides making Pakistan a prime choice for investment.
He remarked that CPEC will not only make very positive
effects on the country’s overall security and geo-strategic importance but
would make its western and eastern borders safe from external threats and
hostile foreign agencies besides making it hub of foreign investment.
Economic and finance expert, Sumbul Riaz told APP that Prime
Minister’s visit to Nepal was highly successful especially his meeting with political
and economic leadership of the brotherly country.
She said CPEC, being a major component of One Belt and One
Road (OBOR) project would immensely help establish global connectivity and will
bring people more closer with less spending on economic front.
She said Pakistan was among one of the 80 countries through
which OBOR will pass or would have an impact upon, adding these countries with
around 60pc of global population will generate about 40pc of world GDP, adding
Nepal can also take advantage of CPEC.
Sumbul said PMLN Government had done tremendous efforts for
development of communication sector including up-gradation of railways system,
construction of new motorways and highways, ports, infrastructure development,
importance of Gwadar Port, addressing the issue of energy shortfall, defeated
terrorism and other socio-economic reforms and its role in CPEC was highly
She said huge potential to increase trade volume was existed
in both the countries and it could fully be tapped only with continuity of
democratic process and economic policies.
Sumbul stressed the need to enhance economic relations and bilateral trade which stood US$ 5.78 million in 2016-17 to a new
height in days to come.
The world tallest mountains peaks i.e Nanga Parbath and K-2
are exited in Nepal and Pakistan and cooperation among both the countries would
help generate valuable foreign exchange by promoting mountaineering and
adventure tourism for benefits of people.
She said there was a need of strengthening cooperation in economy, and culture sectors as both countries are very rich in these sectors also.