National News

PM assures all required cooperation in ongoing development projects

PM assures all required cooperation in ongoing development projects

KARACHI, (MILLAT ONLINE):KARACHI, Nov. 20 (APP): Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has
assured Sindh Chief Minister, Syed Murad Ali Shah of all coordination and cooperation
in the ongoing development projects in the province, particularly Karachi.
In a meeting held here on Monday morning at Governor House the
Prime Minister said PML- N government firmly believes in public
empowerment and is strongly committed to across the board development.
He appreciated that federal government funded projects in Sindh
are being completed in coordination with the provincial government.
“Coordination and cooperation is needed at every level in the
larger interest of the masses,” said the Prime Minister.
Chief Minister, Syed Murad Ali Shah on the occasion briefed him
about the pace of work of the ongoing schemes acknowledging that
special package announced by the federal government will supplement
efforts being made for much needed development work in different
parts of the province.
Governor of Sindh, Muhammad Zubair also accompanied the Prime
Minister in the meeting.