National News

PM concludes Saudi visit; attends “North Thunder” military exercises; meets King

MADINA, (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
Saturday left here Saturday on the conclusion of his three-day
official visit of Saudi Arabia, on the invitation of King Salman bin
Abdulaziz al Saud.
During the visit, the Prime Minister, besides attending the
concluding ceremony of “North Thunder” military exercises alongwith
the other Heads of States and Majesties whose countries took part in
the exercises, also met Saudi King.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was accompanied by Chief of Army
Staff General Raheel Sharif and Special Assistant to Prime Minister
(SAPM) on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi.
On his arrival in the Kingdom on Wednesday, the Prime Minister
was received at King Saud Airport by Royal family members, Saudi
Defence Minister Muhammad bin Salman and other high officials.
The concluding ceremony of “North Thunder” military exercises
on Thursday featured different activities mainly air drops, armour
movement and air assault through helicopters performed by the troops
taking part in the exercise. Pakistani troops were also part of the
The exercise commenced on February 14 this year near King
Khalid Military City in North Eastern Saudi Arabia, with the
participation of various military disciplines of artillery, tanks,
infantry, and air defence systems as well as naval forces of 21 Arab
and Islamic countries.
The North Thunder was the largest military drill in the world
in terms of the number of participating forces. Military exercises
of all these brotherly countries focused on training forces on how
to deal with terrorist groups.
During the visit, the Prime Minister also met King Salman bin
Abdul Aziz al Saud in the Royal Palace of King Khalid military city
on Thursday evening. Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif and
SAPM Tariq Fatemi accompanied the PM in the meeting.
During the course of their warm and friendly exchanges, King
Salman bin Abdul Aziz expressed his thanks and deep appreciations to
the Prime Minister for having accepted his invitation to witness
joint military exercises.
He said that this has enhanced cooperation and understanding
between the armed forces of the two countries and reinforced the
existing brotherly relations between the two countries.
The Prime Minister thanked Saudi King for Kingdom’s strong and
consistent support to Pakistan, while advocating enhanced
cooperation between the two countries, particularly in commercial,
economic and investment sectors.
He also spoke of his admiration for the successful completion
of the joint military exercises that brought together contingents
from about two dozen Islamic countries. He said that this would
promote unity amongst them and demonstrate their resolve to step-up
efforts to counter militancy and terrorism.
Showing a very pleasant gesture, Saudi Defence Minister Prince
Muhammad bin Salman had arrived at the Prime Minister’s guest house
to take him to the Palace for meeting with King Salman.
The Prime Minister also attended a dinner hosted by the
Custodian of Harmain al Sharifain.
On Friday, the Prime Minister witnessed the military parade by
contingents of 21 Islamic countries at the conclusion of the North
Thunder military exercise in at King Khalid Military City. Chief of
Army Staff General Raheel Sharif accompanied the Prime Minister.
The Prime minister was joined by leaders from 21 countries who
watched the parade. The leaders were in Saudi Arabia on the
invitation of the Custodian of two Holy Mosques King Salman bin
Abdul Aziz al Saud.
Contingents of different countries carrying their national
flags marched past the stage.
Pakistan was the only country whose fighter aircraft performed
aerobics, which included performance by two JF-17 Thunder Aircraft
and the famous Sherdil formation with its eight Karakoram-8
The Pakistani SSG Commandoes performed free fall in the
parade. The Pakistani commandoes jumped from helicopters carrying
flags of all the 21 countries participating in the North Thunder
Prime Minister Sharif also joined Saudi King and leaders from
21 countries at Hafr al Batin city for Friday prayer at the Royal
Guest House Mosque.
The dignitaries who offered the prayers included leaders from
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain, Senegal,
Sudan, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Pakistan, Chad, Turkey, Tunisia,
Comoros, Djibouti, Oman, Qatar, Malaysia, Egypt and Mauritania.
At the last leg of his visit, the Prime Minister also paid
respect at Roza-e-Rasool (Peace Be Upon Him) and offered Nawafil in
The Prime Minister, accompanied by Army Chief General Raheel
Sharif and SAPM Tariq Fatemi also offered “Isha” and “Fajr” prayers at
the Holy mosque and prayed for progress, safety, security and well
being of Pakistan.
Later, the Prime Minister departed from the Holy city of
Madina after the conclusion of his three-day visit to the Kingdom.
He was seen off at Madina Airport by Deputy Governor of Madina Abdul
Mohsin al Muneef and high officials.