National News

PM for enabling BISP beneficiaries earn their own livlihood

PM for enabling BISP beneficiaries earn their own livlihood

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Friday directed the Benazir Income Support Program to chalk out a comprehensive graduation strategy to enable and equip its beneficiaries earn their own livelihood.
Chairing a meeting on the Benazir Income Support Programme here at the PM Office, the Prime Minister also approved a proposal for setting up of an Endowment Fund for the BISP to ensure fiscal continuity in lean budgetary periods and said it would act as a catalyst in generating income for supporting various development schemes on the fund structure.
The meeting was attended by Chairperson BISP Ms. Marvi Memon, Secretary to Prime Minister Fawad Hasan Fawad, Secretary BISP Omar Hamid Khan and senior officers of BISP.
The Prime Minister was briefed about various initiatives being undertaken under the umbrella of BISP including unconditional cash transfer program and Waseela-i-Taleem program that has so far benefited 5.6 million families and 1.8 million children respectively.
The Prime Minister was informed that the international community, donors and developmental partners including ADB, WB and DFID have reposed confidence on the transparency and effectiveness of the program in reaching out to the poorest of the poor and helping them break shackles of poverty.
The meeting was informed that after successful completion of pilot phase in four districts and door-to-door survey in ten districts, the Nnational Socio-economic Registry (NSER) survey would be rolled out in the remaining districts of the country in February 2018 and would be completed by May 2018.