National News

PM seeks support of international community in sending fact finding missions to IoK

PM seeks support

PM seeks support of international community in sending fact finding missions to IoK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Friday sought help of the international community in sending fact finding missions to the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir to investigate the gross human rights violations by the Indian occupation forces.
The Prime Minister in a message on the Kashmir Solidarity Day urged the world powers to raise their voice in seeking an end to the gross violations of human rights and the reign of terror unleashed by Indian occupation forces in IoK, and fulfill the promises it made with the people of Jammu and Kashmir 70 years ago.
The Prime Minister said it was high time that India was asked to provide access to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) Fact Finding Missions to investigate the human rights violations by the Indian occupation forces.
The Prime Minister said for the past seven decades, the people of Jammu and Kashmir had waged an unprecedented struggle against brutal Indian repression.
The recent spate of Indian aggression carried out against unarmed Kashmiri civilians, killing 20 Kashmiri youth and injuring over 200 innocent protestors, was yet another testament to atrocities being carried out by the Indian occupation forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
He said India continued to deny the valiant people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir the just right to
self-determination enshrined in the UN Security Council resolutions.
Abbasi said the Jammu and Kashmir dispute was the unfinished agenda of Partition of the Indo-Pak subcontinent and remains one of the oldest disputes on the agenda of the UN Security Council.
“Pakistan strongly condemns the systematic State terrorism and brutal killings of the people of IoK by Indian occupation forces. The basic human rights of the innocent people of IoK, including the right to life and peaceful assembly have been grossly violated by Indian occupation forces.”
He was also critical of the arrest and placing under house detention of the senior Hurriyat leadership. He said the people of Pakistan and the international community had utmost respect for the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir for their unparalleled courage, bravery and persistence in facing the worst kind of State terrorism, human rights abuses, violence and suppression by the Indian state apparatus. 
“Pakistan will continue to extend its political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people until the realization of the right to self-determination,” the Prime Minister said.