National News

PM visits leprosy centre; pays tribute to late Dr Ruth Pfau

KARACHI, Aug 12 (APP): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan
Abbasi Saturday visited Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre here
where he spoke high for the services of late Dr Ruth Pfau for
dedicating her life to fight leprosy in Pakistan.
Dr Ruth Pfau, who founded Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre,
breathed her last on Friday and the prime minister had
announced a state funeral for her in recognition of her
services to the humanity.
“Dr Ruth Pfau will always be remembered for her
remarkable services to humanity for over six decades,” he
He said the country could never repay her for her
commitment and devotion to some of the most disadvantaged in
the society purely selflessly.
“We will always remember her in our prayers. May God
bless the departed soul in eternal peace and give us the
courage to walk into her footsteps,” the prime minister said