National News

PML-N victory in Chakwal by-polls shows people’s confidence on present govt

PML-N victory in Chakwal by-polls shows people’s confidence on present govt

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The people of Chakwal have once again declared PML-N as victorious, showing their overwhelming confidence in the people-friendly policies of the present government and leadership of former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.
People fromn every walk of life including politicians, civil society, people and lawmakers have termed the victory of PML-N in Chakwal by-election as victory of democracy.
“The success of PMLN candidate, Haider Sultan in the PP-20 Chakwal by-election has clearly reflected the overwhelming confidence of people in the policies of PML-N government and leadership of former Prime Minister,” Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) Sardar Seleh Muhammad Khan said on Wednesday.

He said the people of Chakwal has once again declared PML-N as victorious and rejected politics of agitation, sit ins and sitting on containers.

“Nawaz Sharif lives in hearts of people and cannot be separated from the country’s politics due to his matchless services for the country.”

“This result has clearly showed that vote bank of PML-N has increased manifold and is moving ahead to achieve landslide victory again in 2018 general elections,” he said.

The massive victory of PML-N candidate who secured 75,934 votes against PTI Tariq Afzal 46,025 votes in Chakwal by-election have unnerved political opponents and the people verdict have disappointed those forces who raised serious questions on the results of general elections 2013.

Professor Muhammad Naeem said that political change can only be durable when come through power of ballot instead of agitation politics and standing on containers. “The Chakwal by elections was an eye opener for all,” he remarked.

He said politically conscious people strongly believe in public service, development works and solution of their problems rather raising hollow slogans.

He said democracy was the only system that can put country on road to sustained economic progress and development and it was our collective responsibility to work for its strengthening.

MPA Rushad Khan said success of PML-N in Chakwal was possible as the party had set a new example of public service in four and half years and fulfilled all the promises made with people whether it was elimination of load-shedding, crushing of terrorism, brought economic stability, established network of motorways and highways besides improvement of railways system and restoring of peace in KP, Fata and Karachi.

The people of KP wanted solution of their problems and wanted answers from PTI Chief Imran Khan who had wasted four and half years in agitation politics.

The PTI has failed to address peoples’ problems and masses continued to suffer in hospitals besides increase of unemployment in the province.
Asked about PAT Chief agitation call, the PMLN leader said that Dr Tahirul Qadri has the habit of demanding resignations from elected representatives and his threatening remarks to topple PML-N government was nothing but a political gimmick.

He said people had completely rejected the agitation politics of Dr Qadri in past and he will again face the same fate in the 2018 general elections.

The opponents now after seeing that all promises made by PML-N leadership were successfully completed by the government ,are now trying to make an unnatural political alliances and making negative propaganda against PML-N, which would not succeed.

He said PMLN Government would complete its tenure and would fully participate in the general election on the basis of record development works.
He said that time has come that we should all sit aside their political differences and work together to address the existing challenges faced by the country today.