National News

PMLN to launch movement for rule of law, supremacy of constitution: Nawaz Sharif

چیف جسٹس نے

PMLN to launch movement for rule of law, supremacy of constitution: Nawaz Sharif

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):President Pakistan Muslim League(N) Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Tuesday said
his party will launch a movement and reach out to the people to ensure
rule of law and supremacy of the constitution in the country.
Talking to mediamen after hearing of his case in the Accountability
Court here, he said, “We will take our struggle for justice to its
logical conclusion. People are not senseless and will not accept wrong
“Neither we nor our party will accept wrong decisions. We will reach
out to the public and will launch a movement for justice.”
He said he as prime minister was removed in seconds while Imran Khan
himself admitted that the offshore company was his asset but he was
not disqualified.
Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan was created in 1947 for the rule of law and
Only rule of law would be followed in the country and nothing else, he added.
Nawaz Sharif said double standards and injustice should not continue
and his party would stand against this behavior.