National News

Police detain Gilani, Mirwaiz, Sehrai and Malik in IOK

Police detain Gilani, Mirwaiz, Sehrai and Malik in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):In Indian occupied Kashmir, the puppet authorities have placed top Hurriyat leadership including Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Muhammad Yasin Malik either under house detention or in jail to prevent them from leading anti-India protests on Monday.
According to Kashmir media service, Gilani, Mirwaiz and Sehrai were put under house arrest in Srinagar, while Muhammad Yasin Malik was arrested from his Maisuma residence in Srinagar and lodged at Kothibagh police station.
The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said that a large posse of police arrived at Yasin Malik’s residence, today, and took him along. He was lodged in Kothibagh police station in Srinagar.