National News

Political parties must oppose horse trading in senate elections

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Political parties must oppose horse trading in senate elections

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Senator Javed Abbasi said Wednesday that all political parties must oppose horse trading to make sure transparency in upcoming senate elections.
While talking to private news channel senator emphasized that candidates should support
their own parties on the basis of principles in the elections for strengthen of democracy.
He said senate was the main house that produced genuine leaders. It is need of the hour that the given mandate should be respected by all.
Replying to question he said the legislation carried out in lower house had always been supported
by senate that demonstrates democratic process in the country.
Javed pointed out many questions were raised due to horse trading on political parties and provincial assemblies adding all unfair means including rigging should be eliminate in the the elections.
“A stable provincial government was destabilized in Balochistan, such environment is not suitable
for continuous democratic process” he added.