National News

President concludes visit to Indonesia

JAKARTA, Indonesia, APP): President Mamnoon Hussain on Tuesday
concluded his two-day visit to the Indonesian capital where he participated in the fifth extraordinary meeting on Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Palestine and Al-Quds.
The President was seen off by Indonesia’s Minister for Agrarian and
Special Planning Feffy Mursyida Baldan here at the Halim Airbase. Minister for Climate Change Zahid Hamid and Ambassador to Indonesia Muhammad Aqil Nadeem were present.
Earlier in a meeting with the Indonesian minister, the President
felicitated the Indonesian government on holding of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Palestine and Al-Quds.
He expressed hope that conference would positively contribute towards
the resolution of the Palestine issue.
The Minister thanked President Mamnoon for participating in the OIC
conference and presenting Pakistan’s firm stance on the Palestine issue.
President Mamnoon Hussain during his visit addressed the Muslim leaders
at the OIC forum and presented the country’s stance supporting the Palestine cause.
The summit was attended by heads of state and representatives from 49
Muslim countries.
President Mamnoon also gave interviews to the Indonesia’s leading
newspapers and television channels including Jakarta Post, Republica and Metro Tv.