National News

President urges Saudi investors to explore Pakistan’s energy, agriculture sectors

ISLAMABAD, (APP): President Mamnoon Hussain on
Tuesday urged upon the Saudi investors to invest in Pakistan’s
energy, infrastructure and agriculture sectors.
In a meeting with Saudi parliamentary delegation led by
Dr. Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh, Chairman of
the Shura Council here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the President said
business friendly environment in the country had encouraged
foreign investment.
The President mentioned that the investment-friendly
policies included opening up of all sectors of economy for
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), equal treatment of foreign
and domestic investments, liberal foreign exchange regime and
one-window operation.
Mamnoon Hussain expressed his satisfaction at
cooperation of the two countries at the regional and
international form and said the relations between the two
brotherly countries were deep-rooted in common faith, culture,
history and heritage.
“The government and the people of Pakistan hold the
Royal Family in high esteem and have highest respect for the
Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz
Al Saud”, he said.
The President termed the large Pakistani community in
Saudi Arabia as a human bridge between the two brotherly
countries, and added that they were playing an important role
in the development of both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
President Mamnoon Hussain expressed satisfaction on the
level of Pak-Saudi defence cooperation and the training
facilities being offered for Muslim countries at the Pakistani
defence institutions.
He said Pakistan had welcomed the formation of 35-nation
coalition to counter terrorism and extremism and reiterated
the country’s commitment for peace in cooperation with other
region countries, particularly Saudi Arabia.
The President assured that Pakistan will fully stand by
Saudi Arabia in the event of any threat to its territorial
Dr. Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh,
Chairman of the Shura Council said that Pakistan and Saudi
Arabia are bound together in strong bonds of common religion
and culture and that Saudi Arabia accords highest priority to
good relations with Pakistan.
He conveyed to President Mamnoon the best wishes of King
Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the Crown Prince for the
government and the people of Pakistan.
President Mamnoon Hussain extended an invitation to King
Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and the Crown Prince to visit
Pakistan at their earliest convenience.
Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Speaker National Assembly and Jam
Kamal Khan, Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural
Resources were also present.