National News

PTDC to establish University at Katas Raj Temple

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE/APP): The Managing Director Pakistan
Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Chuadhry Abdul Ghafoor on
Wednesday announced to establish University at Katas Raj Temple,
Talking to APP Ch. Abdul Ghafoor Khan, Managing Director, PTDC
said that the university would specially work for educating the
students in tourism related subjects, adding that this project is in
the planning of the Corporation.
Ch. Abdul Ghafoor said that PTDC would invite other
stakeholders to support PTDC in establishing full fledged university
about Tourism sector.
He said that PTDC is taking every possible step for promotion
of tourism in the country.
“We are committed to provide facilities to tourists, develop
and promote tourism according to vision of Prime Minister of
Pakistan. This will help projects soft image of Pakistan,” he said.
In this connection every possible resource will be utilized.
Pakistan’s scenic beauty is known all over the world.
Ch. Abdul Ghafoor said that the university would prepare
professionals specially in the tourism industry.