National News

PTI govt demolishes artificial spots for BRT project

PTI govt demolishes artificial spots for BRT project

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The massive expenditure amounting to around Rs one billion made under Peshawar
Uplift and Beautification Plan has almost been wasted as traditional artifices,
artificial spots, cultural monuments and green belts developed along the main
GT road during last four years of PTI government were bulldozed for construction of multi
billion dollars Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project.
Official sources told APP, the green belts, U-Turns, artificial flower plots, beautification and widening of
main road, picnic spots and cultural monuments on both sides of GT road from Chamkani to Hayatabad,
which were constructed with the money of taxpayers were demolished for the construction of 26 kilometers
long corridor for BRT project.
The Peshawar Development Authority has already utilized about Rs80 million on the green belts along both lanes of
GT road which was recently removed for construction of BRT.
The authority had fixed artificial flower pots in different prominent places costing millions of rupees, which were also
The general public suffering from the massive traffic jams after initiation of civil works of BRT when contacted
told APP that whatever the PTI government has developed in last four years for beautification of Peshawar have now been demolished.
A senior engineer working in the government department told on condition of anonymity that BRT was not a requirement
of Peshawar as the problem of commuters could easily be addressed by developing the present roads infrastructures and widening of roads.
He claimed that technical experts in the meetings had clearly opposed the project, however, the political
benefits forced the PTI ruler to go ahead with the project.
Former Provincial Minister for Environment, Wajid Ali Khan told APP that bulldozing of the green belts has
clearly demonstrated the miss management of PTI government to handle such a gigantic project and lack of planning on the part of the rulers.
He said completion of BRT project during PTI tenure was impossible because of slow pace of work, financing issues
and traffic jams.
Wajid said green belts play key role in countering the negative effects of climate
change, global warming and environmental pollution in big cities, saying that due to it
Peshawarites would face brunt of severe heat in upcoming summer season.
“The last year Tornado at Peshawar eastern area should be an eye opener for all,” he
He demanded an high level inquiry to investigate that why such huge amount was
wasted on Peshawar beautification and green belts ahead of construction of BRT.
PML-N legislator, Rushad Khan said it is strange to note that PTI leadership for the last four years constantly
accused PML-N government over the metro project and dubbed it as ‘Jangla
bus and now was constructing the same in their own province.
The project is nothing except a political stunt to cash it on in 2018 general
elections, he said, adding it may fire back if the project was not completed before the
end of PTI government tenure.
District members Asif Baghi and Zubair Ali while expressing the same concerns were pessimistic
about future of hundreds of thousands of transporters and traders whose earning
is likely to receive a great setback as their business would almost be shut.