National News

Qadri’s dream of toppling elected govt like living in fool paradise: Nalota

Qadri’s dream of toppling elected govt like living in fool paradise: Nalota

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Politicians of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa here on Tuesday strongly deplored the remarks of Chairman Pakistan Awami Tahirk (PAT), Dr Tahirul Qadri to topple the elected government of PML-N through agitation and termed it an attempt to create political instability, destabilize democracy and chaos in the country.
“The dreams of Dr Tahirul Qadri to topple PML-N elected government is like a person living in fool paradise and will never materialized,” PML-N KP Parliamentary Leader, Sardar Aurganzaib Nalota told APP.
He said Dr Qadri had habit of demanding resignations form elected ministers and his latest remarks about toppling of PML-N government and starting of nationwide agitation was nothing except a political gimmick to keep himself alive in politics.
Nalota said Dr Qadri was using the incident of Model Town for political gains and the rejected politicians were using his shoulders to sabotage the upcoming Senate and general elections in the country.
He said there was no justification of agitation after everything was cleared in the Model Town Inquiry Report and however if somebody have any grievances should approach the court for justice.

The rejected politicians again gathered around PAT Chief to reach power corridors after they scared of popularity of former Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

Nalota said the political hunters were very unnerved and disappointed after seeing the rising popularity of former PM Nawaz Sharif despite malicious propaganda campaigns and its vote bank remained not only intact but also strengthened in all provinces of the country.
He said failed politicians will only like to see Dr Tahirul Qadri on the container again and themselves take part in the elections by gaining ground through PAT’s agitation politics.

Nalota claimed political rivals knew that if PMLN get majority in Senate and complete their five years term than it could easily form government again in the country on basis of record development work and their politicians would come to an end forever.
MPA Saleh Muhammad said politics of Pakistan was moving around former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and the only objective of the opposition parties these days was to target him to get their politics alive.

“Nawaz Sharif lives in hearts of people and cannot be separated from the country’s politics due to his matchless services for the country.”

“ Dr Qadri politics was rejected by the people in past and will again face the same fate in the upcoming generation elections,” he explained.

The PML-N leader said nations were not built through agitations, sit-ins and pulling each others’ legs and it would have been better if Qadri Sahib had started campaign against terrorism.
The opponents now after seeing that all promises made by PML-N leadership were successfully completed by the government whether it was elimination of terrorism, load shedding, construction of motorways, highways, are now trying to make an unnatural political alliances and making negative propaganda against PML-N, which would not succeed.
Saleh said only few months left in the general elections and let people should decide about future governments in center and all the four federating units.
PML-N government has given gifts of Hazara Motorway, Lowari Tunnel, Nawaz Sharif Kidney Hospital, restored peace in KP, Fata, Karachi and has eliminated load shedding in the country and completed scores of others mega projects to expedite pace of economic development, he remarked.
Saleh Muhammad said that democracy was the only system that can deliver to address peoples’ problems and it was the responsibility of all political parties to strengthen this system by respecting mandates of each others.
He said it was high time that politicians should avoid blame games and instead get united to tackle existing grave challenges on external and internal fronts in a collective way.