National News

Rs 2427.947 mln allocated for Science & Technological Research Division

ISLAMABAD, May 29 (APP): The government has allocated
Rs 2427.947 million for 12 ongoing and 21 new schemes of Science
and Technological Research Division under Public Sector Development
Sector Programme (PSDP) for next fiscal year 2017-18.
According to the budgetary document, a total of Rs 1361,758
million has been earmarked for the ongoing schemes and Rs 1066.189
million for new schemes.
Among the ongoing schemes, a total of Rs 256.262 million has
been allocated for Certification Incentive Programme for SMEs under
PQI Initiative 2025 and Rs 100.972 million for construction of
office building for MoST in Islamabad.
A total of Rs 28.917 million has been allocated for
construction of the offices and labs of Pakistan Standard and
Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Rs 25.167 million for demarcation
of groundwater quality zones in indus plain and marginal areas for
sustainable development and management of groundwater (Lower Indus
Plain) PCRWR and Rs. 48.773 million for establishment of National
Capacity Building Institute (NCBI) for water quality management at
Likewise, Rs 129.477 million had been allocated for
establishment of PSTC for precision mechanics and instrument
technology at Gawadar PCSIR (CPEC) related project, Rs. 12. 800
million for establishment of the facility for the indigenous
development of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA)
Baloon Catheters NUST, Rs. 24.708 million for Halal Accreditation
PNAC and Rs. 19.464 million allocated for integrated water resources
management in highly depleted Pishin-Lora Basin of Balochistan
A total for Rs. 12.351 million had been allocated for
provision of furniture, fixture and office equipment for MoST
building, Rs 62.114 million for purchase of Lab Equipment/Provision
of furniture and fixture for PSQCA Labs and Rs 640.753 million for
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) for young students-phase-I
Among the new schemes, Rs. 20 million has been allocated for
awareness and training of Pakistan National Hospital and Health Care
Accreditation (PNHHA), Rs. 10 million for capacity building for
tapping marine living resource potential of Pakistan through
biological oceanography, Rs 500 million for competitive research
program, Rs 29 million for construction of PSQCA offices & labs
(Karachi) and Rs 100 million for establishment of advanced
technology training center at Knowledge Park (Muridke).
A total of Rs 50 million has been allocated for establishment
of Medical Devices Development Center (MDDC) at NUST, Rs. 35 million
for establishment of Textile Testing and Research Centre
(Faisalabad), Rs. 15.014 million for exploration of groundwater
potential and promotion of intervention for rainwater harvesting and
bio-saline agriculture in Thar (PCRWR), Rs 37 million for external
development of PSQCA building (Karachi) and Rs 25 million had been
allocated for feasibility study for completion of the remaining six
blocks and strengthening of research and display activities of the
Likewise, Rs 9.841 million has been allocated for financial
support to scientific societies in Pakistan phase-II, Rs 20 million
for first industrial national innovation survey (PCST), Rs. 15.007
million for improved land and water conservation practices to
enhance waste land productivity in Thal desert (PCRWR) and Rs 17.067
million for integrated approach for control of water logging and
salinity in low lying areas of Sindh.
A total of Rs. 25 million has been allocated for modernization
of PASTIC National Science Reference Library for Effective Resource
Sharing among S&T libraries in Pakistan, Rs 50 million for sea level
rise, sea water intrusion and land subsidence in indus deltaic creek
system with special reference to Sindh coastal cities flooding NIO
(CPEC) related project and Rs 14.260 million for need assessment of
S&T Human Resource for Deriving Innovation and Achieving Vision 2025
Likewise, Rs. 57 million has been allocated for strengthening
of security measures at NUST Central Campus, Rs. 15 million for
trans-boundary affects on ground and surface waters along the
eastern border of Pakistan (PCRWR), Rs 20 million for up-gradation
of fruit procession, analytical laboratory and establishment of gems
& minerals cutting and polishing centre at PCSIR Skardu and Rs two
million has been allocated for up-gradation of PCSIR Peshawar as
herbal medicine centre, PCSIR Labs complex.