National News

Sacrifices of Kashmiri women in freedom movement commendable

Sacrifices of Kashmiri women in freedom movement commendable

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Advocate Supreme court, Azad Jammu and Kashmir Rahat Farooq Raja on Saturday said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri women in the freedom movement are unprecedented and commendable.
In an interview to PTV news, while appreciating the role of Kashmiri women, she said the courageous women of Kashmir always stood upright with men in every phase of the struggle whether it was political or armed.
She further said the history of Kashmir, women have played very important role along with men both in the Independence movement and other empowering movements which were part of it.
Rahat Farooq said women in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir have written a new history of valour by
fighting Indian repression with courage and determination.
She said in Jammu and Kashmir, women have suffered both at the hands of
the militarized occupation and the patriarchal society.
Kashmiri women have dominated the struggle for justice in these cases of killings, disappearances, she added.
It is the women who have always been the first to protest on streets, file cases in the courts, campaign for justice and also sustain the memory of the sufferings, she said.
Whether the mothers, wives, sisters and daughters of the killed and the disappeared or the women who were raped or molested, the women in Jammu and Kashmir have shown exemplary courage in fighting against the injustice, she mentioned.