National News

Sartaj, Kerry to hold 6th round of Pak-US Strategic Dialogue on Feb 29

ISLAMABAD, Feb 17 (APP): Advisor to the Prime Minister on
Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz and US Secretary of State John
Kerry will hold the sixth round of Pakistan-US Strategic
Dialogue on Feb 29 in Washington.
This would be be the third annual meeting since
the present government assumed office in 2013, the Foreign
Office said in a statement here Wednesday.
The six segments of the Strategic Dialogue include
cooperation in Economy and Finance; Energy; Education,
Science and Technology; Law Enforcement and Counter
Terrorism; Security, Strategic Stability and Non-Proliferation
and Defence.
In this regard a preparatory meeting chaired by the
Advisor was held here at the Foreign Office to review progress
of the previous rounds.
The meeting also prepared for the upcoming strategic
dialogue to further strengthen the partnership with special
focus on expanding trade and investment cooperation.
The meeting was attended by Minister for Planning,
Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal and Minister for
Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, federal
secretaries dealing with Commerce, Defence, Economic Affairs
Division, Finance, Interior, Planning and Development, Water and
Power, chairmen of Board of Investment and Federal Bureau of
Revenue, and representatives of NACTA, Ministry of Climate Changs
and the General Headquarters (GHQ).
The Foreign Office said the Prime Minister’s visit
to the United States in October 2015 had provided necessary
impetus and direction to the dialogue mechanism.
The upcoming meeting would afford an important
opportunity to take stock of the entire gamut of Pakistan’s
bilateral relations with the US, it said.