National News

Sehrai for Kashmir settlement under UN resolutions

Sehrai for Kashmir settlement under UN resolutions

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Senior APHC leader and the Chairman of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH) Jammu and Kashmir, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai, has said that the Kashmir dispute should be resolved by granting the Kashmiris their right to self-determination in line with the relevant UN resolutions.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai in an interview in held Srinagar said, “We can’t ignore people’s aspiration.”
He termed the appointment of Dineshwar Sharma as an interlocutor by India as a non-serious initiative. “Is there any seriousness in this (initiative)? Has he come for picnic here? If they (New Delhi) are serious then they should initiate a serious dialogue,” Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai said.
The TeH Chairman said that injustices inflicted on the Kashmiri people prompted his son, Junaid Ashraf, to pick up arms. “What is the option with the youth today? My son left. He didn’t face any problem at home. Usko junoon tha, woh yeah zulum bardshat nahi kar paya (he had the passion, he couldn’t tolerate the oppression anymore),” he added.
The senior APHC leader said that the family had no inkling of Junaid’s decision. “Why did he take the decision? He couldn’t tolerate this injustice. But he didn’t tell me and he didn’t meet. He had left home to say prayers in one mosque and I had gone to another mosque,” he said.
The 28-year-old Junaid Ashraf, an MBA, had left home on March 23, telling his family that he would go to offer Juma prayers and later visit Lal Chowk to get his mobile repaired. The next day, his picture with a rifle in his hands was seen making rounds on social media sites.
“My son is religious and a God-fearing person,” Ashraf Sehrai said. He said that a deputy superintendent of police had beaten up Junaid at the local police station and later detained him after an argument with a non-local man.