National News

Senate body for ensuring TB patients treatment

Senate body for ensuring TB patients treatment

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Senate Sub-Standing Committee on National Health Services,
Regulations and Coordination Friday urged the officials concerned
to take effective measures to ensure treatment of tuberculosis patients in
the country.
The committee meeting which was chaired by the convener of
committee Senator Dr Ghous Muhammad Khan also directed them
to start an awareness campaign to educate people about the prevention
and treatment aspects of the disease.
The Chairman committee said that commitment and dedication at all
level was required for complete control of TB disease.
The committee was informed that the government was working on
strategy for proper treatment of tuberculosis patients throughout the country.
Giving a briefing to the committee meeting, officials from TB Control
Programme informed that Pakistan stands at fifth among 30 high risk TB
They said that there were several challenges in running the program
and to control the disease. They added despite these challenges, the government
was committed to ensure provision of medical services to the disease affected
They said Pakistan regularly received an amount of Rs 143 million
from Global Fund for treatment of TB patients. They added out of total amount,
Rs 88 million were spent for purchase of medicine while the government also spends
amount from the Global Funds for salaries of 1200 employees of TB Control
Some senators were of view that more funding and better services should
be provided to Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for control of disease.