National News

Senate passes resolution to support just struggle of Kashmiris

Senate passes resolution to support just struggle of Kashmiris

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Upper House of Parliament on Friday unanimously passed a resolution to express its solidarity with people of Indian Occupied Kashmir and their just struggle for the right of self-determination.
The resolution was tabled by the MQM Senator Nasreen Jalil which was passed by the House.
The text of the resolution says,”The Senate of Pakistan, strongly condemns the use of pellet guns and daily atrocities committed by Indian armed forces against innocent Kashmiris in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. The Senate urges the United Nations and the international community to take notices of these Indian brutalities and violations of basic human rights and implement the United National Security Council’s Resolutions in letter and spirit for the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. The Senate expresses its solidarity with people of Indian Occupied Kashmir and their just struggle for the right of self-determination”.