National News

Senator Krishna Kohli honored at reception

Senator Krishna Kohli honored at reception

ISLAMABAD,(MILLAT ONLINE):Merhergarh a Center of Excellence on Tuesday organized a welcome reception in honor of newly elected first Hindu Women Senator Krishna Kohli.
The welcome reception was attended by Senator Krishna Kohli, Veerji Kohli, a community leader from Tharparkar and Chairman of the Union Council, Former Executive Director Lok Virsa a founding member of Mehergarh Dr. Fouzia Saeed, Executive Director Mehergarh Maliha Hussain, Dr. Kamran Ahmed, politicians and civil society representatives.
In her welcome remarks, Executive Director Mehergarh said that the reception was aimed to celebrate the success of Krishna Kumari Kohli on becoming a first Hindu Women Senator of Pakistan and Veerji Kohli, Chairman of the Union Council, Tharparkar.
Newly elected Senator Krishna Kohli and Veerji Kohli a community leader from Tharparkar thanked Mehergarh Mehergarh for arranging reception in her honor of them.  
Krishna Kohli said, “In 2007 I got leadership training and in 2010 I started work with Dr Fouzia Saeed, a well-known social activist.”  She stressed that women need to acquire education to stand up to bring change. 
A Mehergarh Award was also presented to Veerji Kohli to acknowledge his tireless efforts and struggle for truth, justice and equality for all. Veerji Kohli has been working to end bonded labour from Nagarparkar and has freed a large number of families from illegal bondage.
Senator Krishna Kohli fought for the rights of women and worked as a social activist. She was elected on the women seat to contest elections of upper house of parliament by Pakistan People Party and won the election to become first ever Hindu women senator of Pakistan.
Both Krishna and Veerji have been closely associated with Mehergarh on many levels. They started their activist careers after attending the 2-month residential Youth Leadership Trainings at the Mehergarh Center.These trainings produced hundreds of youth leaders from all over the country and polished their leadership skills to improve their performance as social leader. Veerji and Krishna continued working with Mehergarh in different capacities over the years.
The speakers hailed Krishna Kohli election as a Senator as a good omen for Pakistan’s religious minorities in the country.